About the Organization


Particulars of Organization, Functions & Duties

[Section-4 (1) (b) (i)]

Objective/ Purpose of the Public Authority:

The objective/ Purpose of inspector Genera! of Registration, Odisha is observance of Rules  guidelines/ Govt. orders for better and effective citizen service delivery.

Mission/ Vision statement of the Public Authority:

 To provide people friendly service regarding registration matter and to protect Government interest.

Brief History of the Public Authority context of its information:

   Office of the inspector General of Registration is a constituent Head of Department under Board of Revenue, Odisha, Cuttack. The office is the Directorate of 177 registration offices of the state. Besides inspector General of Registration is the Registrar of Societies under Societies Registration Act-1850 and Registrar of Firms under Indian Partnership Act-1932. I.G.R. Odisha issues necessary instructions for smooth implementation of provisions of the Indian Registration Act and the Odisha Stamp Rules. All establishment matters like service conditions/ promotions/ pensions etc. of Staff of all registration offices are being routed through Office of the I.G.R., Odisha. The Office is functioning in Rajaswa Bhawan Building, Chandinichouk Cuttack.

Duties of the Public Authority:

To look after implementation of Govt. orders and perform the duties entrusted upon by Government.

Main Activities / Functions of the Public Authority:

  1. Issue of instructions/ orders for implementation of provisions of Indian Stamp Act/ Indian Registration Act to provide better service facilities to general public as well as to protect Government interest.
  2. All Establishment matter of staff of Registration Offices of the State.
  3. Establishment matter of staff of own office.                                                               
  4. Registration of societies under S.R. Act, 1860.
  5. Registrar of Firms under I.P. Act, 1032.

List of the services being provided by the Public Authority with a brief write-up on them.

Organizational Structure Diagram at Various Levels:

Expectation of the Public Authority from the Public for Enhancing its Effectives and Efficiency:

Public are requested to adhere to the provisions of the Act.

Arrangements and Methods made for Seeking Public Participation/Contribution:

No need of public paticipation.

Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievances resolution:

  • Under Secretary (registration) is looking after all Establishment matters/All files relating to Registration Society & Firm.
  • Joint I.G.R. is looking after all policy matters of registration.

Address of Main Office :

At-Rajaswa Bhawan Building
Cuttack, Pin-503002

Working Hours of the Office:

  • Morning hours of the office-10 am.
  • Closing hours of the office-5pm.